
Biking to School: Making the Daily Commute Fun and Safe for Kids

Biking to School: Making the Daily Commute Fun and Safe for Kids

Biking to school is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s a fun, healthy, and eco-friendly way for kids to start their day. With the growing focus on encouraging physical activity, more parents are considering letting their children ride to school. However,...

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The information provided on this website is for information purposes only and it may not be complete. No responsibility is accepted for any liability, loss or risk which is incurred as a consequence of the use of any of the material or links on this website. We are not responsible for any road / path blockages or changes. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their bikes are in good working condition and to assess their child/children’s abilities according to their age, strength and fitness and to select a route that is at their level and where they can be safely supervised. It is wise for parents to start off with shorter, easier rides and check in regularly with the child/children for safety and be alert for any signs of dehydration, sunburn, fatigue or weather impacts. Links to external websites do not constitute endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. Nothing on this website is commercialised or paid advertising. Opinions are entirely my own.

-Lachlan Soper