Hill Climb Challenge

Bobbin Head

Lachlan Soper Hill Climb Map
Star Rating For Difficulty (out of 5): Star IconStar IconStar Icon

3 star because of a 4km hill to ride up from Bobbin Head.

Notable Sites, Cafés, and Playgrounds Along the Way:


It’s a long descent down to the bottom of Bobbin Head. This is the longest descent of any of the rides we have done, so prior to the descent, there was a prep talk about braking, not taking risks and riding at whatever pace they felt comfortable. That being said, it wasn’t dangerous, it was just such a new experience for kids aged 6-10 years old. 

The playground at Bobbin Head Picnic Ground is our only real playground of the day. It’s a nice stop, change up, and something to freshen them up before a very long climb.

We also stop on the other side of the bridge near the marina, where we have spotted ducks and the kids have enjoyed dropping some rocks in the water and watching the water ripple. 

The climb up Bobbin Head is a little under 4km to the toll gates (but actually continues all the way up to the golf course, making it a 5.5km climb, with a total of about 180m elevation gain). This was a good exercise (to excuse the pun) in the kids picking one of their lowest gears (for the girls) or the lowest gear for my son (who only has 3 gears) and “tapping it out”. Kids sometimes tend to see a hill, ride as hard as they can and then crack part way up. This was an exercise in simply riding at an effort that they could continue for a very long time. 

As this is a climb that is frequented by hundreds (if not more) of recreational adult cyclists on any one day, my kids felt really chuffed by the encouragement and camaraderie of many men and women who had a kind word for them as they passed us up the hill.

So this was more of a “see what you’re capable of” and also “see what the adults think of your riding” day out for them to be encouraged that they are doing great stuff.

We usually wrap up this ride at Café 2074, where they usually enjoy a bacon and egg roll, French toast with maple syrup and bacon, some fresh juice, and a smoothie between the 4 of us. Heck – they deserve it after that ride! 😊

Parking & Toilets


Bobbin Head Rd North Turramurra, or a side street nearby.


Next to Bobbin Head picnic ground

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The information provided on this website is for information purposes only and it may not be complete. No responsibility is accepted for any liability, loss or risk which is incurred as a consequence of the use of any of the material or links on this website. We are not responsible for any road / path blockages or changes. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their bikes are in good working condition and to assess their child/children’s abilities according to their age, strength and fitness and to select a route that is at their level and where they can be safely supervised. It is wise for parents to start off with shorter, easier rides and check in regularly with the child/children for safety and be alert for any signs of dehydration, sunburn, fatigue or weather impacts. Links to external websites do not constitute endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. Nothing on this website is commercialised or paid advertising. Opinions are entirely my own.

-Lachlan Soper